Various Ways of Breeding Goldfish

Hello everyone, How are you today? In this article, i will tell you several ways to breeding the goldfish. Ok, let's see the following ways from me.

1. Hand Breeding


Goldfish are ready to breed when the male chasing the female around the tank and poking her in the abdomen. This is spawning behaviour.

STEP 1 : Make sure that your goldfish are ready to breed.

Take the male goldfish and hold them carefully and slightest finger pressure on his abdomen. Small amount of white milt will be expelled. And then the female, slightest finger pressure on her abdomen, until she released her eggs.

STEP 2 : Transfer the male to another basin. (basin for breeding)

Swirl this milt around to evenly distribute it through the basin. And then the female, move her around to distribute the eggs evenly. Wait for about 1 minute.

STEP 3 : Water Changes.

Gently flush them in clear water. ( don't worry, the eggs are stickly on the basin and will not fall. Store the water and adding the Anti Chlorine. (you can also add methylene blue to prevent fungus growth in the eggs).

STEP 4 : Place them near a window.

Add an air pump and minimase the air flow. The eggs will hatch in 2 to 3 days. (depend on the temperature of the water)

2. Natural Way Breeding


The male will chasing the female around the tank. This is spawning behaviour that mean the goldfish is ready to breed.

STEP 1 : Making a spawning mop.

Make some spawning mop from Acrylic Yarn. Clean it by soaking with hot water. Now the spawning mop is ready to use. Put it at the corner of the tank. Let the goldfish breed.

STEP 2 : Remove the spawning mop to a hatching tank.

Adding Chlorine remover and Methylene Blue. (Methylene blue to prevent fungus growth in the eggs). Remove the spawning mop slowly. Note : Those eggs are unfertilised will turning to white colour. Add an air pump and lower the air flow.

Most of the eggs will hatch from 2 to 7 days after laying. (depend on the water temperature). Take out the spawning mop once they are able to swim freely.

3. Tank Breeding

STEP 1 : Setting up the breeding tank.

Put some rocks in the tank. Cover it with soft plastic fence. (to prevent the goldfish eating their eggs after spawning). Set up the water filtration. And then store the water to the tank. Add some Chlorine remover. Wait a few hours.

STEP 2 : Select the goldfish that are ready to breed

Take a female goldfish that are being chased by male goldfish frequently. And take two male that are ready to breed. Put it together in tank. Chasing will happens once the female goldfish are ready to release her eggs. Breeding process will take a few hours.

STEP 3 : Taking back the goldfish from the breeding tank.

After breeding process were done, you should tranfer all the goldfish to another tank. Turn off the water filtration in the breeding tank, and put an air pump, set low the air flow.

After 3 days the eggs start to hatch. The fry is only 4-5mm in lenght. They are not able to swim and will have about 2-3 days of feed supply in their sacks. During this time, do not feed the fry. Remove the plastic fence and the rocks once they are able to swim freely. (about 3-4 days after the eggs hatching)

Okay i think maybe that's all i can explain, hope it helps and goodluck.