All Varieties of Catfish For Your Aquarium

1. Black Spotted Corydoras


The black spotted corydoras has a yellow gray body covered in dark speckles. They are well camouflaged catfish with short barbells and they swim near the bottom of the tank scavenging for scraps of food. They like a well planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places that can provide shade from the light. Soft sand or gravel substrate is best, because of their easily damaged barbells.

2. Colombian Shark Catfish

The colomobian shark is also known as the black fin shark. It is a catfish which will grow to quite a size in an aquarium. It needs a large tank with plenty of plants and rocks. As it grows larger there is a possibility that the shark will eat smaller fish in the tank. This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water and maybe acclimatized into a saltwater aquarium as they live in both fresh and saltwater during different periods of their lifespan.

3. Albino Corydoras

The albino corydoras comes from the Amazon river and is a peaceful bottom-dwelling scavenger. The albino variety is mostly white to pink and has multiple barbells around the mouth. They like a generously planted aquarium with plenty of places to hide. To provide shelter from the light smooth sand and gravel substrate is needed because of their easily damaged barbells. They enjoy being in numbers, so a small school of six or more is deal to keep them happy.

4. Bronze Corydoras

The bronze corydoras natural habitat is tributaries of the amazon river, where they are peaceful bottom-dwelling scavenger. They require a well planted aquarium with lots of hiding places. Being a gregarious fish that enjoys being in numbers, a small school of six or more is deal. A smooth sand or gravel substrate is needed because of their easily damaged barbells.

5. Ghost Catfish

The ghost or glass catfish is very unusual as its body is almost completely transparent, all bar a small silver sack that contains its vital organs. They have a pair of long barbells out in front. They are quite a sensitive shoaling fish unlike a generously planted aquarium where they can gather together amongst the plants near the surface, and gently ripple their bodies while hanging almost vertically. This catfish is also different in that it's active during daylight hours .

6. Gold Algae Eater Catfish

This slim algata has a silver belly and bright gold back. A horizontal patterned line runs along its side. It's ideal for keeping algae under control in a small community tank. The gold algae eater will become territorial. Caution should be used when maintaining the species with discus and larger angelfish, As the catfish will often hassle these species.

7. Peppered Corydoras

The peppered corydoras come from the tributaries of larger river systems in South America and are a peaceful bottom-dwelling scavenger. They need a well planted to hide and to provide shade from the light. A smooth sand or gravel substrate is needed beacuse of their easily damaged barbells. They are happiest when in numbers, so a small school of six or more is deal.

8. Sailfin Pleco

The sailfin pleco comes from the rivers and tributaries of South America where they spawn in tunnels dug out of the mud banks they prefer an aquarium with fast growing plants and water movement with rocks and driftwood to provide hiding spaces. Feeding off the bottom of the aquarium they obtain most of their nutrition from leftover food and algae.

9. Upside-down Catfish

The upside-down catfish is also known as the blotched upside-down catfish and its origins are from the rivers and lakes of Central Africa. It's one of the smaller catfish and is opaque with many black spots and markings. This species hangs in an inverted position as well as feeds from the surface of the water. They will happily feed on algae that forms within the aquarium.