All of The Lungfish

Hello everyone, hope you're doing well, today's i will tell you about the 6 species of lungfish that are still alive today. The lungfish have been on this planet as their lineage traces back 400 million years ago. During the devonian period and only one other type of fish can traces lineage back this far. And those are the celiacans, and ceolacanths and lungfish have one thing in common and that being their strange appendages as lungfish and ceolacanths are known as lobe thin fish and instead of conventional fins that most modern day fish species. The lungfish's fins are almost like limbs and they have joints at the bases, so they can move them almost like we move our hands. Lungfish species have so many unique adaptations. And here are the 6 types of lungfish.

1. West African Lungfish.

This species is pretty widespread throughout west and central africa. And it usually inhabits temporary floodplains that are completely dry for part of the year but can also be found in swampy marshy areas. Now this fish's fins look a lot more like spaghetti and and they're mainly used for touch and to help this fish crawl along the river bottom it is quite a large fish reaching a size of around a meter or 40 inches. And as i've been through they're extremely hardy but we'll prefer the temperature around 24 to 30 degress celcius and a ph anywhere from 6 to 8.

2. Australian Lungfish.

This fish is obviously endemic to Australia and can be found in the pools swamps and sluggish waters. And as i covered before the Australian lungfish only has one lung while the other species have two and this is probably the most water loving lungfish of them all. As even though they have a modified swim bladder they only really tend to take breaths of air at the surface in stagnant waters where the oxygen content is low. And the Australian lungfish is thought to be the primitive of all lungfish and is the biggest species as well as they can reach a size around 5 feet or 1.5 meters.

3.Giled Lungfish.

This lungfish has been the hardest species to find any information about, but it is another african species. Normally found in the swamps and floodplains of east africa. This is the smallest living species of lungfish reaching a size around 17inches or 44 centimeters. They have very strong jewels, so again tank mates should be picked very carefully as they could soon have a giant bite mark out of them. But you could go with some smaller faster fish such as fast moving barb or tetra species.

4. South American Lungfish

This species can be found throughout of the amazon. They tend inhabit slow-moving stagnant waters. The south american lungfish can reach a maximum size around 1.25 meters or aroung 50 inches. And although this species has both lungs and gills. The gills are rudimentary in structure and the fish has to rise to the surface periodically to obtain oxygen.

5. Marbled Lungfish

As you can probably tell from its name the marbled lungfish is probably the kost striking out of all them, as it has a very interesting coloration along its side and in some cases this can evwn look like honeycomb. The species is native to central and east africa where it can be found in the congo the nile and it can also be found in the great lakes of africa.

6. Slender Lungfish

Again this is another african species and it can be found in central and western africa and inhabits temporary floodplains swamps and marshes. Its a medium-size species reaching a size of around 1.3 meters or 52 inches. And in the aquarium like temperature from 24-30°C and ph 6 to 8. This species also goes by the name as spotted Lungfish as they do get a very nice patern along their sides.

Okay, i think that's all about Lungfish, for this list let me know what lungfish you'd like to keep the most out of 6 on this list and also if you keep lungfish le me know down in the comments section below. That's all about this article, thank you for reading. See you..