The African Lungfish

Below the surface of the marsh, the roots of the papyrus jungle reached back in time to the domain of a creature that first settled here almost 400 million years ago, long before the dinosaurs. Like the papyrus plants the African lungfish spans two worlds. This fish has gills but it still need aor every half hour otherwise it'll drown unlike most fish it has a primitve lung and what's more, it can perform a truly breathtaking feat.


When the dry season comes, and water turns to puddles and puddles turn into mud, the african lungfish finds himslef in thick of it. That's okay, the secret to lungfish longevity starts wih a drop defying burrow in the mud.


About 25 cm below the surface. The fish spews mucus it solidifies to form a cocoon like shelter that traps moisture and lets in air. The lungfish enters estivation while most animals burn fat for energy to keep alive, the lungfish digests muscle in its tail.