6 Things You Should Know About Discus Fish

Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish available for the home aquarium. Notoriously tricky to care for but so rewarding when kept correctly. Discus fish are the pride and joy of those that keep them. They are a choice freshwater fish but with their beauty and charm comes great responsibility. They are some of the more challenging fish to keep and care for. Today in this article we will going to discuss some interesting facts about discus fish. Let's start!

1. Discus fish are among the most challenging fish to keep and care.

These fish have a notoriety for being defenseless to sickness and hard to keep. They are not reasonable for fledglings and require extraordinary consideration from the aquarium proprietor. Discus requires very clean water therefore it is crucial that you have the proper filtration. In addition you must be able to dedocate time to performaning water changes. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature, we recommend 85 to 86 degrees fahrenheit.

2. Discus fish needs plenty of space.

These fish grow to an impressive size of up to 18cm, so they need a big aquarium that allows them to swim easily. The first thing you need to know is that the discus fish needs plenty of space not just because of its size, but also because it is a schooling fish. Discus fish are happiest when they can swim around the tank with other members of the same species. You should have a group of at least 5 pr ideally a school of up to 10 fish.

3. Discus fish are schooling fish.

In the wild these fish stay together and swim in the se direction in a coordinated manner. So, in captivity they are happiest when they can swim around the tank with other members of the same species. They are a schooling fish and in large groups can create a wall of patterns accros the tank. To house a small group your aquarium should have a minimum capacity of 300 liters. A school of discus fish will be happiest in a tank measuring at least 500 liters.

4. Discus fish are peaceful.

These fish can be kept in tanks alongside other species of fish. They're a relatively sociable and a peaceful cohabitate that is extremely tolerant of other fish. Discus fish are extremely peaceful and shy in temperament and do best when kept in groups of 6 more. While they can be kept in an aquarium with other peaceful species of freshwater fish. It is recommended that they be kept in a species tank due to their very specific tank and water requirements.

5. Discus fish has a long average lifespan.

Lifespan depends on how well the discus is cared for in home aquariums. Discus can live for an average of 10 years but can live up to 15 years and can grow up to 8 inches.

6. Discus fish are nocturnal.

In the morning and during the day these fish are not very active, otherwise they seem to be less shy and more comfortable at night.

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