Ember Tetra Fish (Care Guide and Information)

Ember tetra fish, a bright reddish orange colorful little fish that comes to us from Brazil. They stay relatively small, they'll grow anywhere from half an inch to an inch in size, which makes really popular especially for nano tanks, as they're bright red coloring stands out against aquatic plants. The ember tetra should be kept in a group of 6 tetris to make them feel safe. This tetra does do well in smaller tanks because of their small size, but it's best to keep a small group in three gallons or more when possible. The ember tetra is an overall solid fish to keep especially for beginners as they stay a manageable size are fairly easy to keep and only live a couple of years. Usually two if they're purchased as adults.


This tetra is also a peaceful fish, making it a great choice for a community tank that has other fish of the same size or temperament. Their tank should include some vegetation or driftwoods to provide them with shelter and make them feel safe, but they'll also appreciate open spaces for them to show and school. For this tetra i recommend picking up some floating plants like watter lettuce as it makes them feel safe and that'll make them more active.


When it comes to feeding the ember tetra, this tetra is an omnivore and they'll accept virtually all foods just be sure to use slow sinking foods as the ember tetra hangs around the middle of the tank. I'd recommend feeding your tetra with typically dry processed foods, frozen foods also work great. I usually my dry shrimp and spirulina brine shrimp. And for live foods, small live black worms or blood worms are their favorites. The only thing about the ember tetra, is that since they hang around and feed in the middle section of the aquarium, a lot of their leftovers tend to fall to the bottom on the tank. So if possible try to keep some bottom feeding fish that can pick up any leftover set fall to the substrate.


The ember tetra will do best in slower moving clean waters. Will need a neutral pH of around 7 and will do best in temperature around 78 degrees fahrenheit.
