Golden Barb Keeping Tips A. Habitat and Characteristics

The golden barb comes to us from South Asia and as its name might suggest its pattern consists of random black blotches on a golden colored body. In some of the gold barbs the tail may or may not have hints of red but it all depends on the results of the breeding. They come from the streams and rivers in India and Bengal. So it's important to keep them in well oxygenated water with good filtration and circulation. While this fish is peaceful and can technically be kept in a community aquarium it only gets an inch or more in length. It's also pretty shy and it's happiest any single species only aquarium. It's a shoaling fish so it should be kept with at least five other golden barbs.

B. Tank Setup

The golden barb will do best in pH in between 6 and 6,8 along with a temperature in between 65 and 77 degrees fahrenheit. The golden barb will hang around all levels of the aquarium. Bottom, middle and top levels again another reason why they do best in a single species only aquarium.

C. Feeding Tips

When it comes feeding for the golden barbs, sinking foods as they feed in the middle of the tank. They'll accept the frozen foods, dry foods as well as small live foods like worms.

And if there is a brief description of the golden barbs please let me know by commenting this article on the comment section. Thanks.