Dwarf PufferFish Care Guide and Information

Hello everyone, today i'll give you tips and informations about dwarf pufferfish. Let's start!


This is the dwarf pufferfish, also known as the pigmy pufferfish and the P pufferfish. Dwarf pufferfish comes to us from the waters of india. And typically grows to the lenght of about an inch to just under two inches in lenght this tiny puffer fish is an adorable addition to any aquarium as it has a peculiar green and blackish pattern. And has an even more peculiar personality they have really big eyes. And when they're swimming around and observing their surroundings it really looks like they're pondering or just really thinking about what they interact with. And because they've gotten quite popular in the hobby, this and the rapid destruction of their habitat has led them to become labeled as vulnerable to extinction. In the wild leaving them common in some waters but scarce in others. One very interesting thing about the dwarf pufferfish is that as a juvenile, they remain genderless and as they mature one of the puffers if kept in a group will begin to transform into a male and while doing so, he'll excrete hormones that prevent other dwarf pufferfish from also becoming males, leaving the other pufferfish to transform into females. And as they mature, they can then be feasibly differentiated between males and females based on their looks and body shapes.


When it comes to the aquarium setup for the dwarf pufferfish, they aren't too picky. Feel free to use natural or artificial decorations, just be sure to avoid sand substrates as the dwarf pufferfish has been known to accidentally swallow fine substrates like dirt and sand pebbles or large substrates. Should work just fine the pufferfish does best when kept in a single species only tank, meaning only other dwarf pufferfish should be kept in the same tank now to they can get aggressive, so it's best to keep them in a group to reduce this aggresion and it's also important to have a higher male to female ratio in the tank. A tank full of males can't lead to a lot of fighting so one male for every two to five females would be ideal for a group of dwarf. And you're gonna want to keep them in a group of six preferably more in a minimum aquarium size of 20 gallons.


When it comes to feeding the dwarf pufferfish take into consideration the fact that the dwarf pufferfish is a tiny, but aggressive predator, they love life foods and they can get used to being fed dry foods but prefer live foods like small live black worms, blood worms, tiny snails, live brine shrimp and daphnia and they'll also appreciate the frozen versions of these worms and shrimps like frozen brineshrimps and frozen bloodworms.


The dwarf pufferfish will do best in an aquarium with a neutral pH and with a temperature in between 72 and 82 degrees fahrenheit.

Okay, i think that's all about the information i can tell, hopefully it can helps you if you want to keeping the dwarf pufferfish. Thank you!